Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Land of the Free"
"Home of the Brave"

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Battle for McKenna Park

nah, i'm not one of those guys. those are the jarheads that come to the park out infront of my house the first Sunday of every month and fight to the bitter end with foam bats. it's pretty funny to watch them pretend to be wounded, cuz then they scuffle across the ground on thier knees and keep attacking at eachother. hehe. but yea, sometimes thier numbers are well in the 50's. sortof a large group of people to be doing something so... odd.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

it's interesting..

..to me that people read these things. at least i think they do. and some peoples are really good. anyways, i learned that they use sand to clean up fuel spills, what they do with the sand, i dunno... worth spying on. hmmm *rubs chin*

Friday, February 2, 2007

so that's why they called him "the great"

well, they also called him "the accursed" heh.

yes, i just caught the tailend of oliver stones Alex the Great on HBO :P

and what made ol' Alex so great? I tell ya what: He did all that conquering before the age of 33! Just 15 years of exploration! Kickin' arse and taking names!
Look at how much land he crossed!


And they didn't know diddly squat about Earth.


...talk about an alpha male.. hmmm. i feel so inferior now.


the thing i wonder is: didn't they name years? time? surely they weren't calling it 330 BC.. anyone?
cool thing is Alex had a nice little papparazzi and the details of those years of his life were surprisingly well documented (all things considered) by both his own people and the peoples of the far off lands he visited and conquered. well, sortof. keep in mind propoganda, yea, even back then, perhaps, especially back then.


yep, learn something new everyday, that's what they say. i'm bored, and bloggin. what'r you doin neighbor?